Now, many of interaction arts center on the audio visual interface of computer. There are a lot of works without the felt thing because of the sensor and the USB camera, etc. So,the relationship between the Spectator and the art work is limited to the relation between the PC and the audio visual system. However, touching is very important factor for the one making. For example, the painting is done by brush, the sculpture is done by chisel, and ceramics are done by touch of hand.

I want to tell it. The hand is an important tool. A traditional thing-making is made from the hand in many cases. Especially, the ceramic art is a copy of my hand. This work "Rokuro - 3" can change the form by the thing that the spectator touches. And, various forms can be seen. The movement considers the ceramic art. However, the form in building in a digital system with the change always can be seen. Work title Rokuro is a potter's wheel in Japanese.

Earthenware is completed by deciding of the form by the rotation and coloring a vibrant color. This work : the rotation with the motor. And, it is displayed by use of a full color LED instead of traditional paint. A rotation body is aline composed of two or more plastic fibers. Moreover, it is seen the form by the rotating thing. And, the part of close and sparsity can be noticed in the rotation body.

The system of this work is composed by an indirect interaction with the sensor and an immediate interaction that touches by the hand. This work has wireless remote controller. This controller has the acceleration sensor. In applying this controller to the waist, those who appreciate influence the work with the entire body. The color and the size of the solid of revolution can be changed by the movement of the waist. This work has two control techniques. One is a method of the real time decision of the speed, height, and the color, and the formations with the hand. The spectator can freely control all parameters.Another is a method of displaying the globe of the rainbow.At this time, there is no interaction with the sensor.However, the globe is a beautiful rainbow color.

This work is not projected from the outside with the projector etc.The work has put out the color. Therefore, the mistake to bend light can be tasted. Moreover, the fiber that strikes the hand has feedback of comfy. The rotation body basically becomes the shape of an hourglass or a shape.However, it reacts immediately when there is spectator's interaction. And, the change is given in the form and complex shape can be seen.

It is a fantastic form like Klein bottle. This work is a device to see beautiful shape. Moreover, This work is a proposal of the display of the rotation body that can be altered directly. |